group name : sisterhood productions

We looked at quite a few different names to use for our group and we ended up with sisterhood productions because we felt that it suited our group since we had known each other for so long. Our ideas were all quite simple form the beginning, but we had to check that ‘sisterhood productions’ didn't already exist, and we found that we didn't so we were really happy with the name. For the logo, we wanted the title to relate with the image but we weren't really sure how we could do this and still make the logo look professional, so we chose to only use simple shapes and make the text stand out, instead of creating an image that looks doesn't look like a film production company.

In our final design, we decided to use two simple colours that would stand out to make the logo bolder and therefore easier to recognise, we experimented with different shapes and coloured backgrounds to see which ones worked well together and then the ones that didn’t. I think our finished logo looks quite professional and works well, with the font and the colours. We looked at a lot of other logos to get inspiration and most of them were very simple with only a few shapes, and the fonts too were simple and easy to read. We also tried to look at logos that didn't work and to see why, and then the more famous company logos which are instantly recognisable and really well known. We also wanted to make the logo quite simple so that we could use it somewhere in our 2 minute film, either at the beginning or the end.
