Him and Her - Mise En-Scene

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I chose to focus on the costume and make-up when watching an episode of the BBC series 'Him&Her', I chose to concentrate on this part of the mise-en-scene because in the episode that I watched, there were quite a few different characters wearing very different costumes with different make-up. 

At the beginning of the episode when only the two main characters (Becky and Steve) were in the scene, the costume and make-up was very simplistic and minimal, with them both wearing pyjamas and quite cheap looking clothing as well as what appeared to be no make-up. This made it look as though they had only just woken up and hadn't yet left their bed. Although they weren't wearing lots of clothes in the opening scene, the clothes that they were wearing looked quite dirty and relatively inexpensive which I think shows that they don't have lots of money, which I think is also shown through the setting of the scene.

However compared to other episodes, they are more dressed up than usual because it is one of the main character's birthday. This is also why every other character that is introduced in the episode seems to be wearing more fancy, party clothing like dresses and jewellery. All of the characters seem to be dresses quite stereotypically, with each one wearing a different style to really emphasise their different attitudes and situations. In this episode there are around 10 different characters, which seems unusual because the previous episode had only 3 and each episode takes place in the same place - their flat. And although they are all wearing different clothes, they all seem to be of the same social class which I think is an idea portrayed through each aspect of mise-en-scene, and mostly through the stereotypes of the different classes. I think that the costume and make-up tells us a lot about the couple because we begin to understand who they are as well as the relationship that they have with all of the other characters.
