Macro Elements of Film Form


Story line- Kevin Wendell Crumb, a man with 23 different personalities, abducts and keeps three teenage girls in his basement for unknown reasons. As Kevin's therapist delves deeper into his mysterious disorder, the girls must find ways to escape before a new and sinister 24th personality reveals itself.

Genre- The genre's of this film are both horror and thriller. Even though the film is very scary, it is also a thriller because you want to know what happens in the end to the girls and whether it is they escape before it's too late. The producer may have done this because he wanted to keep the audience on their seats the whole time so they keep on watching the film until the end. 

Representation- The social groups portrayed in this film are young teenagers as well as someone with a mental illness (specifically dissociative identity disorder). The young teenagers are shown very well in this film indicating that even know they are young; they are strong willed and can be smart enough to get out of tricky situations. However, the man represented with this disorder is shown in a bad light but it could be implied that if someone with a disorder that bad isn't confined with proper help, they can become out of hand and we see that in this movie with three teenagers being kidnapped. 

Narrative- The narrative of this film is linear and i think the producer used this narrative so that nothing gets complicated and it doesn't make it hard for the audience to understand what is going on. 

Audience- The target audience for this film would definitely not be very young children because I do not think they would properly understand the film and what is happening. I do think it would suit older teenagers and adults because i think they would be able to take in everything that is going on in the film and teenagers could imagine if it was themselves in that situation and what they would do. 
