The Gold Rush

Scene 1: (54:58-55:18)

Micro elements:

Charlie's costume is quite scruffy and dirty. This shows that he isn't the richest man and he wears whatever he can afford/find. This changes at the end of this film but this indicates to the audience that he doesn't have a lot of money so he is quite poor. There isn't any makeup on Charlie and instead, he has quite a scruffy look and doesn't pay much attention to his appearance. However, there is makeup on the girl that comes into the frame at the end of this scene and this could indicate that she is well presented and a little better off than Charlie that she can spend money on her appearance and her warm coat and hat. Charlie uses the props around him to show his excitement and happiness like swinging on the wooden rafter and jumping on the bed. Furthermore, the location of this scene is in the little house with no else in the majority of the scene is Charlie which means that your attention is drawn to him as nothing else is moving or talking. The lighting of this scene is quite bright and the scene look like they use the natural lighting from outside but they most likely have set up lights. It is bright enough to see everything that is going and see details throughout the room which allows the audience to take everything going on without it being too dark.

The camera stays in the same position until 55:17 where we focus in on the girl who shows her reaction to what Charlie is doing. The producer may have made sure the camera was close enough to see her reaction so that the audience could understand her feelings to the situation happening and understand that she is surprised. The angle of the wide shot of the little house allows the audience to see everything that Charlie is doing and shows us that in his excitement, he uses any item in the house he can to express his emotions. There was no sound during this film as it was a silent film but I think the audience are still able understand it just as well if there was sound. 

The editing in this scene would have been a cut scene where they would join two different clips together. The first clip of Charlie getting excited and the next clip of the girl at the door being shocked have been conjoined and it makes the audience feel as if they are in that moment seeing everything that is going on and everyone's reactions. There isn't any other editing in this scene because during this time, they didn't have a lot of knowledge of this and they had just developed film so this was too advance at this time. 

Scene 2: (1.15:06-1.15:24)

Micro elements-

Charlie has messy clothing on that indicates that he isn't rich and isn't thick and warm like the other people in this scene. The audience can take from this that he is too poor to afford the warm and dressy clothing like the others and so just stays in what he is in. Georgia in this scene, looks very formal and dressy. Her dress looks very expensive and so Charlie and Georgia juxtapose against each other but this could show to the audience that Georgia isn't with Charlie for money as it looks like Charlie doesn't have a lot of that. Also, she has quite a lot of makeup on so she has money which she spends on makeup and shows she has dressed up for the occasion. The location of this scene is in the pub where everyone is celebrating new years and there is a lot of lighting in this scene which brightens up everyone and allows the audience to see the whole of the set and see clearly what is going on. 

The camera angle during this film is straight on and is a wide angle allowing the audience to see everything and everyone in this scene easily. At 1:15:10, the camera moves from showing a wide shot of everyone and everything to a zoomed in shot that moves up towards Georgia allowing you to see Charlies movement. Then, the audience can see Charlie and Georgia and see them reacting and talking to each other allowing the audience to feel as if they are there in that scene with them whilst it's going on. The scene is from a silent movie so there is no sound during this scene but there are text screens that are shown before Charlie reacts and whilst Georgia is chatting to Charlie. 

There is not a lot of advanced editing during this scene as this is taken from an old movie where their knowledge was not at such a high level as it is now. On the contrary, the producer has conjoined clips together and we know he has done this from the two different angles- wide shot and then a closer shot that moves. The producer has also edited in text screens of what Charlie is saying to allow the audience to know what Charlie would be exclaiming in this scene to add more confidence to the viewers of the goings on. 

Scene 3: (8:19-8:52)

Micro elements-
The outfits are quite scruffy in this scene. The costumes reflect how prepared they are for the coldness. Charlie is wearing a scruffy suit that is not suitable for snow weather showing how unprepared he was to be out in the snow and it could show the lack of money he is to be able to afford a warm outfits with gloves etc. The other character in this scene is in very warm clothing with a warm coat on as well as boots and a hat which shows how prepared he is and how intelligent he is to wear such warm clothing when the weather is so cold. Charlie grips onto his stick throughout this scene even when he being pulled away by the snow which could show the importance on his stick to him that he doesn't want to let it go and it's a part of him as he keeps it with him throughout the film. Moreover, the location of this scene is from the cabin in the snow that Big Jim McKay, Charlie and 
the Lone Prospector use to keep out of the blizzards and snow. This cabin although small is cosy and can fit a lot of people inside and by having a small house, it stops the viewers eyes from wondering away from what is going on and keeps them focused on the characters and the situation. Likewise, the lighting from this scene is artificial lighting as they are inside for the majority of the scene and the producer has made sure to make the scene bright enough for the viewers to be able to see everything going on but not too bright that it looks unnatural to the audience. 
The camera is quite far away from the characters for the majority of this scene to allow the viewers to be able to see everything going on and understand where the characters are in the scene and the things going on. There is a close up shot at the beginning of this scene which demonstrates to the audience the feelings and emotions the characters are feeling in reaction to each other allowing them to have a better idea of what is going on. The camera doesn't move whilst filming as this would have most likely been too hard for them to do as filming was a new thing during this time period from when the film was created and released. It does show the men being pulled out of the cabin by the strong winds so this permits the watchers to know what happened to them as they went out the cabin but the camera does not move and the angles are not anything too exciting as they were experimenting more with the actual story and camera rather than the angles to film the characters in. Also, in this time period, the audience wouldn't have minded not having a variety of angles as they would have been more interested in the story than the creation of the film. 

There is no sound in this scene as this clip has been taken from a silent film where they have not developed sound or colour so this shows their lack of knowledge and the age of the film as there has been many changes since this time period . There isn't a lot of advanced editing in this clip since this film is from many years ago. The director has put clips together of different camera angles and inserted a clip of speech and then shown the characters saying it. The ideal of film was very new and they had yet to advance how to be able to speak during filming so there isn't a lot of editing in this scene. 
